

Bank of America | Museums on Us

On the first full week­end of every month, BOA card­hold­ers enjoy free access to more than 200 muse­ums and cul­tur­al insti­tu­tions in the Unit­ed States. Match­ing up muse­ums with idioms and syn­onyms for “free” was fun. Some­times we start­ed with the muse­um; oth­er times we start­ed with the idiom and tried to find the right museum.


Mars Corporate

Mars, the can­dy com­pa­ny, is a glob­al food giant with a pet food divi­sion, Waltham, based in the UK. Waltham con­ducts sci­en­tif­ic research into pet care and nutri­tion and works with sev­er­al ani­mal breeds. Once we heard that they had come up with a dog food that also cleaned teeth, this visu­al quick­ly came to mind.


Bank of America | ATM Billboard

Bank of Amer­i­ca has the sec­ond largest ATM net­work in the U.S. with about 16,000 ATMs nation­wide. Our assign­ment was to depict the bank’s ATM cov­er­age in Boston, Mia­mi, San Fran­cis­co and Wash­ing­ton, DC.

We could have shown maps fes­tooned with ATM icons, but we went in the oth­er direc­tion. We let the view­er imag­ine that there were so many ATMs that if a dart was tossed at ran­dom, it would hit one of them.

The idea was con­ceived with giant darts attached to the bill­boards, but there were logis­ti­cal and local ordi­nance issues. We solved them with a trompe l’oeil effect with, in some cas­es, a small exten­tion at the top of the bill­board. From most angles the dart looked con­vinc­ing­ly 3D. We also want­ed to use a more col­lo­qui­al head­line, “Yeah, we have an ATM there, too,” but the clien­t’s gram­mar police intervened.

Lowe’s | Holiday Billboard

Every design­er begins by col­lect­ing images, sym­bols or icons, and then looks for that unique con­nec­tion where two of them can trans­form each oth­er. I start­ed with hol­i­day sym­bols, and once I sketched a can­dy cane, the flutes in a drill bit came to mind.



This print cam­paign reflects E*Trade’s pugna­cious style of con­fronting estab­lished bro­ker­ages while empow­er­ing peo­ple to take con­trol of their own finances. We also rein­forced brand­ing by split­ting the head­lines into E*Trade’s aster­isk col­ors. This helped add dra­ma, too. Here are a few examples:

Swanson Broth and Stock

Swan­son print ads almost always con­tain recipes. Here are a few that don’t.

To help con­sumers under­stand the dif­fer­ence between broth and stock, we cre­at­ed a sym­met­ri­cal page that in one ori­en­ta­tion is an ad for stock and, flipped around, an ad for broth. Stock aligns visu­al­ly with meat, and broth with veg­eta­bles and sides.

Swan­son is the only major broth with­out MSG or oth­er arti­fi­cial ingre­di­ents. One of sev­er­al com­pet­i­tive ads.

Seri­ous cooks know that cook­ing with stock keeps meat ten­der and juicy.

Pre­vi­ous recipe ads only fea­tured close-up food styling. We cre­at­ed a new cam­paign that added humanity.

Food shots, but with a strong brand­ing idea:



A tongue-in-cheek way of com­mu­ni­cat­ing the sur­pris­ing news that ED can be caused by high blood pres­sure or diabetes.

IAT High School Curricula

IAT is a pub­lish­er of STEM cur­ric­u­la for mid­dle school, high school and col­lege. The cours­es are unique because stu­dents learn sci­ence and math by solv­ing real-world prob­lems, not abstrac­tions. These ads were used to pitch the cur­ric­u­la in school dis­tricts around the country.