Move Free

Move Free

Schiff MoveFree Ultra | “Pills”

The most pop­u­lar sup­ple­ments for joint pain con­tain glu­cosamine and chon­droitin, the struc­tur­al com­po­nents of car­ti­lage, the tis­sue that cush­ions joints. Experts, how­ev­er, debate the effec­tive­ness of these sup­ple­ments. Even if they do help some suf­fer­ers, the pills are big and hard to swal­low, and many peo­ple balk at tak­ing them, deny­ing them­selves relief.

Move­Free Ultra is a sup­ple­ment con­tain­ing type II col­la­gen, a nat­ur­al pro­tein which helps to sup­port joint func­tion. Not only is there is evi­dence that col­la­gen is twice as effec­tive as glu­cosamine and chon­droitin, but Move­Free is the small­est, eas­i­est pill to swal­low for joint health on the market.