About Me

Ron Palum­bo

I’m a Swiss Army Knife: an art direc­tor who writes copy; a copy­writer who draws sto­ry­boards; a cre­ative direc­tor who edits video; a writer who retouch­es; an art direc­tor who does voice overs.

I was a cre­ative direc­tor at BBDO New York, where I launched, man­aged and evolved cam­paigns for clients such as Visa, Snick­ers, Piz­za Hut, E*Trade, Lay’s, Charles Schwab, Lowe’s, Bank of Amer­i­ca, and Swan­son, and non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions such as the EPA and the Soda Tax.

My work has been rec­og­nized by the Emmy Awards, Cannes Adver­tis­ing Fes­ti­val, the One Show, the Clio Awards, the Effies, the Art Director’s Club, British Design & Art Direc­tion (D&AD), the ADDYs, the Lon­don Inter­na­tion­al Awards, Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Arts, and the New York Fes­ti­vals, among others.

I love solv­ing prob­lems but don’t silo myself as a “cre­ative.” I embrace col­lab­o­ra­tion, strat­e­gy, and client rela­tions. Although I’ve worked on brands and in media where the stakes and bud­gets were very high, I’ve also helped brands that required agili­ty and efficiency.

I look for clients (and agen­cies) who rec­og­nize that effec­tive adver­tis­ing can be also be enter­tain­ing. Engag­ing audi­ences with a sto­ry elic­its an emo­tion­al response that builds brands and loy­al customers.

In addi­tion to my adver­tis­ing work, I write, design and nar­rate live shows at the Hud­son Riv­er Muse­um Plan­e­tar­i­um, and am the world’s expert on come­di­ans Bud Abbott and Lou Costel­lo. I’m the only per­son to appear on the Today Show for two com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent rea­sons: once to talk about a solar eclipse, and once to dis­cuss Abbott and Costello.



Adobe CC, After Effects, Final Cut, Sto­ry­board­ing, Voice Over


