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TommieCopper | Ode to a Knee

Com­pres­sion sleeves and braces improve cir­cu­la­tion and pro­vide bet­ter sup­port for high impact activ­i­ties for ath­letes. They also help with the recov­ery process.

Tom­mieCop­per is the orig­i­nal inno­va­tor of cop­per-infused com­pres­sion sleeves and appar­el. (The field includes Cop­per Fit, Mir­a­cle Cop­per, and Cop­per Wear.) Cop­per itself does not impart any ther­a­peu­tic ben­e­fits, but is used for its antibac­te­r­i­al properties.

Since the major­i­ty of sports injuries involve the knee, we thought we’d offer a trib­ute to our most abused joint. Com­pres­sion sleeves and braces are proven to be one of the most afford­able and eas­i­est ways of eas­ing knee pain. They usu­al­ly pro­vide an improved sense of knee stability.

In addi­tion to con­cep­tu­al work, I also designed the end logo treat­ment (inspired by Leonar­do DaVin­ci’s Vit­ru­vian Man) and per­formed the voice over.

+NRG Patch | Anthem

Sports drinks and ener­gy bars are the most com­mon way for ath­letes to replen­ish ener­gy, but they con­tain sug­ar and/or caf­feine. The Pos­i­tive Ener­gy Patch (+NRG) was for­mu­lat­ed as a health­i­er alter­na­tive in a cat­e­go­ry that had come under increas­ing scrutiny.

Placed on the skin, the +NRG patch deliv­ers instant and con­trolled release of  17 cru­cial vit­a­mins, min­er­als, and anti-oxi­dants to mus­cles with­out sug­ar or caffeine.

In addi­tion to con­cep­tu­al work, I edit­ed the footage, found the music and per­formed the voice over.